Spanish Civil War


Mind Map on Spanish Civil War, created by sarashaw96 on 03/03/2014.
Mind Map by sarashaw96, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by sarashaw96 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Spanish Civil War
  1. the causes of the war
    1. the reforms
      1. religion
        1. seperated from the state
          1. lost their power
          2. was taken out of education
            1. Civil marriages and divorces made legal
            2. agrarian
              1. there was even distribution
                1. land was given to pesants
              2. military
                1. reduction in the number of officers
                  1. people lost their status
                2. regional
                  1. Basque country and Catalonia were given their own independence
                3. election of the popular front - the republicans won
                  1. nationalists arranged an uprising
                4. events of the war
                  1. Guernica
                    1. Toledo
                      1. Madrid
                      2. Who was Franco
                        1. dictator of spain
                          1. leas the nationalists to victory
                            1. he was called "el caudillo"
                              1. friends with hitler and musolini
                              2. International Support
                                1. republican
                                  1. russia
                                    1. gave them weapons
                                      1. wasn't that useful as they were old fashioned
                                        1. it cost them all their gold
                                        2. let children be sent there so they were safe from the war
                                          1. they never came back
                                      2. international brigade
                                        1. between 32,000 - 35,000 volunteers from around the wold
                                          1. no more that 20,000 at any one time
                                      3. nationalists
                                        1. germany
                                          1. condor legion
                                            1. new equipment like planes
                                            2. italy
                                              1. 50,000 troups
                                          2. Why did the Nationalist win?
                                            1. better military organisation
                                              1. technical superiority
                                                1. political unity
                                                  1. under 1 leader
                                                  2. international support
                                                    1. germany
                                                      1. italy
                                                      2. economic position
                                                        1. support from the church
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