Immediate Effects Of Exercise On The Muscular System


GCSE GCSE PE (Muscular System) Mind Map on Immediate Effects Of Exercise On The Muscular System, created by Olivia Brooklyn on 24/03/2014.
Olivia Brooklyn
Mind Map by Olivia Brooklyn, updated more than 1 year ago
Olivia Brooklyn
Created by Olivia Brooklyn over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Immediate Effects Of Exercise On The Muscular System
  1. Exercise increases the body's demand for oxygen and glycogen as the muscles need more fuel to function because they are contracting and lengthening at an increased rate
    1. Extra waste products are created when muscles work harder than normal, and extra blood needs to be pumper around the body to take these waste products away
    2. When the demand for oxygen is so high that not enough can be provided to the muscles, lactic acid begins to build up until eventually it is not possible to continue
      1. Isotonic Contractions
        1. One works while the other relaxes
          1. Occurs when a muscle contracts and works over a range of movement
            1. EG. Walking and running
              1. Most weight training and circuit training exercises use isotonic contractions
              2. Isometric Contractions
                1. Occurs when the muscle contracts but stays in a fixed position
                  1. EG. Plant position
                    1. Not used during sport as much as isotonic contractions
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