Nation State


Mind Map on Nation State, created by Charlie Overend on 06/05/2014.
Charlie Overend
Mind Map by Charlie Overend, updated more than 1 year ago
Charlie Overend
Created by Charlie Overend almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Nation State
  1. Lacked key hallmarks of a nation state in the 16th century; no defined boundaries, language, legal unity or sense of nationhood
    1. Codification of legal system under Barme and Baillet commissioned by Louis XII
    2. Gaining of territories such as Brittany starts to create hexagonal shape of France however few people consider themselves French. Local dialects and different languages are spoken despite gradual advance of French in legal and academic circles
      1. Concordat of Bologna 1516
        1. Gave Francis unprecedented control over the French Church
        2. Acquisition of Brittany 1532
          1. Through Louis XII's marriage to Anne of Brittany 1482
        3. Codification on law began under Louis XII but customary laws still existed in the south of France and local traditions and privileges continued to be upheld
          1. Edict of Villers Cotterets 1539
            1. Primarily to reform judicial system but also stated that all legal documents were to be written in French
            2. Edict of January 1562
              1. Proclaimed limited but crucial legal rights to Huguentos
            3. French Wars of Religion exacerbated particularism and undermined centralisation, religious developments undermined national unity and divided the nation at political and social levels. Foreign intervention in the wars of religion also undermine nation state
              1. St Bartholomew's Day Massacre 1572
                1. Catholic League receive Spanish aid 1584
                2. Between 1562-98 religious concerns and loyalties took precedence over any sense of national identity
                  1. Henry IV declared war on Spain 1595
                  2. By the end of the period France was still way off from becoming a nation state. The concept of national identity did not emerge until the eighteenth century. It could be argued that the peace and stability brought through Henry IV's reign laid the foundations for further progress
                    1. Edict of Nantes 1598
                      1. Creates Huguenot state in the Midi region and aimed to establish peace
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