Pirates of Caribbean


Super hero
asdf gheeeeeeeeeeeeeey
Mind Map by asdf gheeeeeeeeeeeeeey, updated more than 1 year ago
asdf gheeeeeeeeeeeeeey
Created by asdf gheeeeeeeeeeeeeey over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Pirates of Caribbean
  1. Anamaria
    1. Mr. Cotton
      1. King Ferdinand
        1. King George
          1. Theodore Groves
          2. Giselle and Scarlett
          3. Lieutenant Gillette
        2. Angelica
          1. Blackbeard / Edward Teach
            1. Carina Barbossa
              1. Cutler Beckett
                1. Calypso / Tia Dalma
                  1. Murtogg and Mullroy
                  2. Pintel and Ragetti
                  3. Sao Feng
              2. Captain Jack Sparrow
                1. Hector Barbossa
                  1. Elizabeth Swann
                    1. Will Turner
                2. Joshamee Gibbs
                  1. Henry Turner
                    1. Davy Jones
                      1. James Norrington
                        1. Armando Salazar
                          1. Jack the Monkey
                          2. Marty
                          3. Ian Mercer
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