Russia 1881 - 1953


Mind Map on Russia 1881 - 1953, created by Shmickles on 07/03/2014.
Mind Map by Shmickles, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Shmickles over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Russia 1881 - 1953
  1. How it was ruled.
    1. Loris-Melikov
      1. Belonged to the top aristocratic society of Georgia.
        1. Had reform plans.
        2. Michael II, Mikhail Alexandrovitch Romanov
          1. Killed by Bolshevik functionaries to end the Romanovs
          2. Vladamir Lenin
            1. A Russian communist revolutionary
              1. Played a senior role in the October Revolution in 1917
                1. The leader of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic
                2. Joseph Stalin
                  1. Obtained power following the death of Vladimir Lenin
                3. Tsarism
                  1. A title used to designate certain European Slavic monarchs or supreme rulers.
                    1. This vast, diverse Empire was ruled by a series of Tsars.
                      1. The Tsar, and only the Tsar, governed Russia
                        1. Freedom of speech was strictly censored
                          1. All books and newspapers in Russia were censored so that people would not be influenced by liberal or socialist ideas.
                          2. Towards the end a short-lived revolution caused the Tsar to lose control of large areas of Russia. Although the revolution failed, it served as a serious warning of what might happen in the future.
                        2. Geography
                          1. Russia is a very large country
                            1. It includes different climates as part of Russia is in the arctic circle.
                              1. Could make it difficult to rule.
                              2. Different continents.
                                1. Meaning different ethnicities.
                                2. Has lost smaller parts of its empire
                                  1. Like Latvia and Estonia.
                                3. People
                                  1. Different ethnicities e.g
                                    1. Russian
                                      1. Tatar
                                        1. Ukranian
                                          1. Bashkir
                                            1. Chuvash
                                            2. Different types of people
                                              1. Peasants
                                                1. Landed and landless farmers
                                                2. Working Class
                                                  1. Workers, artisans, soldiers, sailors
                                                  2. Middle Class
                                                    1. Merchants, bureaucrats, professionals.
                                                    2. Upper Class
                                                      1. Royalty, nobility, higher clergy
                                                    3. Divided in similar ways.
                                                      1. Upper class middle class etc.
                                                    4. Society
                                                      1. Late 19th century
                                                        1. Strongly hierarchical
                                                        2. Russia’s social structure was often depicted and lampooned in visual propaganda.
                                                        3. Problems
                                                          1. Russia was slipping behind European production levels
                                                            1. Russia had serious political problems.
                                                              1. "The bureaucracy was meant to have been an area of major reform, however now it was posing a social and slight political problem. "
                                                                1. People in civil service were looking out for themselves and had no interest in helping the Tsar
                                                                  1. "The absence of an effective banking system meant Russia was unable to raise a large amount of capital to fund entrepreneurs."
                                                                    1. By Michael Dicken
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