

knee Mind Map on Knee, created by otl_716 on 07/04/2014.
Mind Map by otl_716, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by otl_716 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Quadriceps
    1. vastus lateralis
      1. extension of knee
        1. femoral nerve L2-L4
        2. vastus medialis
          1. extension of knee
            1. femoral nerve L2-L4
            2. rectus femoris
              1. extension of knee
                1. femoral nerve L2-L4
                2. vastus intermedius
                  1. extension of knees
                    1. femoral nerve L2-L4
                  2. Hamstrings
                    1. biceps femoris
                      1. flexion of the knee
                        1. lateral rotation of flexed leg
                          1. sciatic nerve, L5, S1-S2
                          2. semimembranosus
                            1. flexion of the knee
                              1. sciatic nerve L5, S1-S2
                                1. medial rotation of flexed leg, non-weight bearing
                                2. semitendinosus
                                  1. flexion of the knee
                                    1. Sciatic nerve L5, S1-S2
                                      1. medial rotation of flexed leg, non weight bearing
                                    2. other muscles that has action to the knee
                                      1. Gracilis
                                        1. Flexion and medial rotation of flexed leg(NWB)
                                          1. Obturator nerve L2-L3
                                          2. Gastrocnemius
                                            1. flexion of the knee
                                              1. tibial nerve S1-S2
                                              2. Tensor fascia latae
                                                1. Flexion of knee(TFL in 45 to 145 degrees flexion)
                                                  1. Extension of knee(TFL in 0-30 degrees of flexion)
                                                  2. Popliteus
                                                    1. Flexion, medial rotation of flexed leg(NWB), unlocks the knee
                                                      1. Tibial nerve L4-L5
                                                    2. Tibiofemoral joint
                                                      1. Open pack: 25 flexion
                                                        1. close pack: full extension and ER of tibia
                                                          1. capsular pattern: flexion and extension
                                                          2. ACL
                                                            1. attached to the medial side of lateral condyle of femur
                                                              1. direction: superiorly, posteriorly, laterally
                                                                1. prevents anterior displacement of tibia on femur during OKC extension
                                                                2. PCL
                                                                  1. attached to the lateral side of medial condyle
                                                                    1. direction: superiorly, anteriorly, medially
                                                                      1. prevents posterior roll of tibia on femur during OKC flexion
                                                                      2. medial meniscus
                                                                        1. attachments: ACL, MCL, Semimembranosus
                                                                          1. C-shaped
                                                                            1. palpation: Hooklying IR of tibia
                                                                            2. Q-angle
                                                                              1. 13-18 degrees
                                                                                1. measurment: ASIS-mid patella, Tibial Tubercle
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