Faisal with fever and respiratory distress


Mind Map on Faisal with fever and respiratory distress, created by Menna Emam on 28/10/2017.
Menna Emam
Mind Map by Menna Emam, updated more than 1 year ago
Menna Emam
Created by Menna Emam almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Faisal with fever and respiratory distress
  1. presented with
    1. Cough
      1. definition
        1. A reflex explosive expiration that prevents aspiration and promotes the removal of secretions and foreign particle from lung.
        2. causes
          1. Acute
            1. Inhaled foreign body
              1. Respiratory tract infection
            2. Chronic
              1. either
                1. Productive
                  1. Blood stained
                    1. Lung cancer
                      1. Pulmonary embolism
                        1. TB
                        2. purulent
                          1. COPD
                            1. Bronchiectasis
                            2. pink, frothy
                              1. Pulmonary edema
                          2. or
                            1. Non-productive
                              1. Asthma
                                1. Postnasal drip
                                  1. GERD
                                    1. Drugs (ACE inhibitors)
                                      1. Sarcoidosis
                    2. later diagnosed with
                      1. Pneumonia
                        1. Definition
                          1. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung parenchyma
                            1. resulting in
                              1. consolidation
                                1. due to
                                  1. exudate within lung tissues and airspaces.
                          2. classifications
                            1. Etiological types
                              1. Infective
                                1. Mycoplasmal / Chlamydial
                                  1. Tuberculosis
                                    1. Fungal
                                      1. Bacterial
                                        1. Viral
                                2. Non-infective
                                  1. Toxins
                                    1. Chemical
                                      1. Aspiration
                                        1. Radiation
                                          1. Hypostatic
                                3. Duration
                                  1. either
                                    1. Acute
                                    2. or
                                      1. Chronic
                                        1. causative agents
                                          1. Histoplasmosis
                                            1. Blastomycosis
                                              1. Coccidioidomycosis
                                    3. Morphological types
                                      1. include
                                        1. Lobar
                                          1. Characteristics
                                            1. 90% strept pneumonea
                                              1. Other organism; Klebsiella in extremes of ages, DM)
                                                1. High fever, cough with sputum, pleuritic chest pain
                                            2. 4 stages
                                              1. Congestion (24 hr)
                                                1. Red hepatization (48 hr)
                                                  1. Gray hepatizaiton (96 hr)
                                                    1. Resolution (8days)
                                                      1. Few macrophages, normal
                                                      2. Neutrophils & Macrophages
                                                      3. Exudation +RBC
                                                      4. Vasodilatation→ congestion.
                                                    2. Middle age (20 - 50)
                                                      1. Primary in healthy individuals
                                                        1. Common in males
                                                          1. Entire lobe consolidation
                                                            1. Limited by anatomic boundaries
                                                              1. Usually unilateral
                                                    3. Interstitial pneumonitis
                                                      1. Bronchopneumonia
                                                        1. Extremes of age
                                                          1. Secondary
                                                            1. Both genders
                                                              1. Patchy consolidation
                                                                1. Not limited by anatomic boundaries
                                                                  1. Usually bilateral
                                                          2. Characteristics
                                                            1. Staph, Strept and H. Influenza
                                                              1. Suppurative inflammation filling bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
                                                            2. 4 stages
                                                        2. Clinical Setting
                                                          1. include
                                                            1. Primary or Secondary to another disease
                                                              1. Aspiration pneumonia
                                                                1. characteristics
                                                                  1. usually occurs in
                                                                    1. unconscious patients
                                                                      1. prolonged bedrest
                                                                        1. Alcoholics
                                                                    2. Mostly affects posterior lobes, especially the superior segments of the lower lobes
                                                                      1. Often lead to abscesses
                                                                  2. In immunocompromised patient
                                                                    1. Causative agents
                                                                      1. Pneumocystis jrovecii
                                                                        1. Cytomegalovirus
                                                                          1. Fungi
                                                                    2. Hospital-acquired (nosocomial)
                                                                      1. or
                                                                        1. Community-acquired
                                                                          1. could be
                                                                            1. Atypical
                                                                              1. causative agents
                                                                                1. viral
                                                                                  1. mycoplasma pneumoniae
                                                                                    1. chlamydia
                                                                                2. Unlike in "typical" acute pneumonias
                                                                                  1. Sputum production is modest
                                                                                    1. No physical findings of consolidation
                                                                                      1. WBC count is only moderately elevated
                                                                                        1. Bacteria could not be isolated
                                                                                3. Typical
                                                                                  1. Causative agents
                                                                                    1. streptococcus pneumoniae
                                                                                      1. haemophilus influenzae
                                                                                        1. moraxella
                                                                                          1. staphylococcus
                                                                                            1. klebsiella pneumoniae
                                                                                              1. pseudomonas aeruginosa
                                                                                                1. legionella pneumophilia
                                                                            2. Occurs in patients with debilitation or have catheters or are on ventilators
                                                                              1. causative agents
                                                                                1. MRSA, P. aeruginosa, Klebsiella, E. coli, S. pneumonia, H. influenza
                                                                      2. Treatment
                                                                        1. complications
                                                                          1. Respiratory distress
                                                                            1. Pleural effusion
                                                                              1. Empyema
                                                                                1. Lung abscess
                                                                                  1. Atrial Fibrillation
                                                                          2. investigations
                                                                            1. Chest X-ray
                                                                              1. CBC
                                                                                1. Arterial blood gas
                                                                                  1. Serum electrolytes
                                                                                    1. Blood urea nitrogen
                                                                                      1. Glucose levels
                                                                                        1. Blood or sputum culture
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