Areas of social impacts include


IT Cambridge Technicals Unit.1 Mind Map on Areas of social impacts include, created by Milosz Manista on 08/12/2017.
Milosz Manista
Mind Map by Milosz Manista, updated more than 1 year ago
Milosz Manista
Created by Milosz Manista over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Areas of social impacts include
  1. Economic
    1. People can invest money into IT as it can be used to increase productivity and also to decrease costs, so that peoples lives are easier and so that technology can become more advanced.
    2. Enviromental
      1. If a computer is old and outdated it can be sent to a thirds world country so that people can use it for simple tasks such as google searches or writing up a document on a world file,
      2. Physchological
        1. Facebook showed videos into their feed which could be bad videos maybe even propaganda or some brainwash which could damage people physchologically
        2. Health
          1. They can be injures sustained from excess gaming or even a bad workplace
            1. excess gaming can damage peoples eyesight and also cause them to damage their backs from sitting for too long in one position.
            2. Ergonomic
              1. It involves equipment specially designed for the human body so that injuries can be prevented and that also people can have more comfort in a workplace or during gaming
              2. Political
                1. Politicians could use social media to promotes their presidential campaign because nowadays use social media more than they watch TV therefore it would be a good way of gaining more support
                2. Culuture
                  1. IT is becoming very advanced and so it is changing the ways in which we communicate, therefore culture is losing it's moral values due to the large advance in IT
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