The multi-store model of
memory was proposed by
Atkinson and Shiffrin in 1968
and quickly became the
basis for decades of research
into the structure of memory.
Atkinson and Shiffrin
proposed 3 separate memory
stores or components that
vary in terms of coding,
duration and capacity.
The model is a good example
of an information-processing
theory, seeing cognitive
processes as a sequence of
stages and comparing them
with the operations of a
computer (Eysenck 1993).
The Model.
According to the multi-store
model, all our sensory
experiences are recorded in
the brief sense organs as a
very brief sensory memory,
most of which is lost when
the brief memory trace fades.
Different types of
sensory memory
have been identified.
Iconic memory
refers to the visual
sensory memory.
Echoic memory
refers to the auditory
sensory memory.
Moving from sensory memory, the
information we attend to is not lost,
and is transferred to our short-term
memory, where it is retained for a
period of 18-30 seconds.
However, it is possible to maintain
information in the short-term store for
longer than 30 seconds by verbally
rehearing information in the rehearsal loop.
E.g. you might verbally
rehearse a set of
directions in your head as
you follow a route in a car.
Such an example illustrates the
limited capacity of short-term memory:
it is extremely difficult to retain a long
set of directions; most people would
manage to retain around 7 pieces of
information in this situation.
A process known as
chunking (Miller 1956)
does allow us to cope with
more than 7 items at a
time in short-term memory:
chunking involves
grouping separate items
into lots or chunks, with
each chunk then
constituting a single item.
E.g. Single items: 1 7 7 3 5 2 8 8 7
Chunked: 177 352 887.
According to Shiffrin and
Atkinson, verbal rehearsal
is also the means by which
selected information
passes from the short-term
store to the more
permanent long-term store.
Information to be transferred
to the long-term store is
usually selected on the basis
of its current importance to
us, or its relevance in
relation to what we already
know about the world.
E.g. A teacher might rehearse
the names of students in a new
class in order to transfer their
names to her long-term memory,
but she would be particularly
motivated to retain the names of
certain students, E.g. very clever
or challenging students, so that
she could manage future
lessons more effectively.
Sensory Memory.
All sensory
quarter of a
second visual
and 4 seconds
Coding (In what form is it stored):-
In the form in which it is received
(i.e. sense-specific).
Short-term Memory.
Capacity:- 7 items
(can be increased
by chunking.
18-30 seconds.
Coding:- Mainly
(i.e. auditory or
Long-term Memory.
Coding:- Mainly semantic
(i.e. based on meaning).
Several studies support the
multi-store model, either by
demonstrating the existence
of separate stores, or by
illustrating the features.
Research Study:
Sperling (1960).
The capacity of short-term
memory is usually
investigated in what is
known as a digit-span task.
Participants hear a series of
numbers or letter sequences which
they have to recall one at a time. The
length of the sequence is increased
by 1 item every time. The participant
must recall each sequence in the
order in which it is presented.
It is usually found that most people
can recall sequences of a maximum
of 7 items in the correct order. Since
rehearsing information in our head
like this involves the use of short-term
memory, these findings support the
view that short-term memory has a
capacity of 7, plus or minus 2 items.
Research shows that children who
are experiencing problems learning
to read and write often have a very
limited short-term memory capacity
when tested using a digit-span task.
Primacy-Recency Effect.
Research into the
primacy-recency effect
has been used to
support the existence
of separate short-term
and long-term stores.
If you are given a series of 15-20
words and asked to recall them in
any order, you will usually find that
you remember several items from
the start of the list and some from the
end, but you are less likely to recall
the items from the middle of the list.
Items recalled from the start of the list (the earliest items) are due
to the primacy effect, and items recalled from the end of the list
(the most recent items) are due to the recency effect. The effect is
also known as the serial position effect, because the likelihood of
an item being remembered depends on its position in the series.
Supporting the
Multi-store Model.
When we hear the first words from the list
we start to mentally rehearse them so we will
be able to remember them later; this
rehearsal transfers the words to our
long-term memory. The rehearsal means that
we tend to miss the words from the middle of
the list altogether, unless they are especially
unusual or relevant. The last few words in
the list are retained in our short-term memory
for long enough when the reader has
finished speaking to enable us to recall them
straight away from our short-term memory.
Thus the primacy effect is a
long-term memory effect and the
recency effect is a short-term memory
effect. Glanzer and Cunitz( (1966)
varied the original primacy-recency
task and provided further evidence
for the existence of separate stores
with different features.
Research Study:-
Glanzer and Cunitz
Many different studies seem to
support various aspects of the
model, although a lot of the research
might be criticised because it
involves testing memory in an
artificial way. E.g. We never normally
need to recall lists of unrelated
words or sequences of digits.
Perhaps the model is
oversimplified, as it suggests that
we have a single store of long-term
memories. Other researchers,
notably Tulving (1972), have
suggested that there is more than
one type of long-term store.
The view of short-term memory as a single
store, holding up to 7 pieces of information for
18-30 seconds, is also an oversimplification.
The problem can be illustrated with the case
of KF, who suffered brain damage following a
motorcycle accident. His short-term memory
for verbal materials was very poor, but was
more or less normal for visual material
(Shallice and Warrington 1970). Findings
such as this suggest that short-term memory
is not a single store. A more sophisticated
understanding of short-term memory was
proposed by Baddeley and Hitch (1974), in
the form of the working memory model.
One problem for the multi-store model is the view
of rehearsal as simple rote rehearsal or verbal
repetition. Studies have shown that rehearsal
involving elaboration of materials, into a story for
example, is more effective than simple rote
rehearsal. Also, we know from experience that
some material is remembered whether we
rehearse it or not. Flashbulb memories of highly
significant or emotional events and images, such
as 9/11, seem to be readily remembered without
any need to rehearse. Indeed, in everyday life we
rarely rehearse information, yet we have little
problem in storing huge amounts of it.
Recently, many researchers have questioned the
idea of separate short-term and long-term
memories. Nairne (1996) sees short-term memory
as a tiny, highly active part of long-term memory.
Despite these criticisms, the
multi-store model provided the
basis for much research into
memory and remains an important
milestone in our understanding of
the structures and processes
involved in memory (Matlin 2002).
Coding Studies.
These illustrate how
information in the different
memory stores is coded
or represented differently.
In short-term tasks requiring information to be
stored for less than 30 seconds, it is usually
found that there is confusion with material that
is sound-based (E.g. mat, man, mad, map). This
confusion over same-sounding words suggests
that short-term memory most involve coding of
information according to how it sounds.
In a long-term task with a duration of
more than 30 seconds, it is typically
found that participants get confused
over information with the same or
similar meanings (E.g. huge, wide,
great, big), suggesting that long-term
memory involves the use of a
semantic or meaning-based code.
Clinical Studies.
These offer
convincing evidence
for the existence of
separate short-term
and long-term stores.
Clinical cases involve people
who are experiencing memory
impairments, perhaps because of
some brain damage or disease.
Such cases demonstrate how
some memory functions are
relatively normal, while other can
be severely impaired.