Explanations of Phobias


A-Levels Psychology (PSYB2 - Phobias/OCDs) Mind Map on Explanations of Phobias, created by Adam O'Rourke on 01/06/2013.
Adam O'Rourke
Mind Map by Adam O'Rourke, updated more than 1 year ago
Adam O'Rourke
Created by Adam O'Rourke almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Explanations of Phobias
  1. Behavioural
    1. Classical Conditioning
      1. Watson and Raynor
        1. Davidson and Neale
        2. Bagby (Water)
          1. DiGallo
            1. Barlow and Durand (Cars)
              1. Ost (Heights, snakes)
              2. King (Experiences as a child)
                1. Menzies and Clark (Child water phobias)
              3. Observational Learning
                1. Merkelback
                  1. Claustroaphobia vs Specific Phobias
                2. Treatment
                  1. Systematic Desensitisation
                    1. Lang and Lazovic
                      1. Hierarchy of Fears
                      2. Flooding
                    2. Psychodynamic
                      1. Agoraphobia
                        1. Little Hans
                          1. Repression/Displacement
                            1. Treatment
                              1. Psychoanalysis
                                1. Henchy and Glass (Effective)
                            2. Cognitive
                              1. Catastrophic thoughts
                                1. Cognitive Vulnerability
                                  1. Ehlers and Breuer (Heartbeat)
                                2. Biological
                                  1. Preparedness
                                    1. Ohman (Shocks and Pictures)
                                    2. Highly Reactive ANS
                                      1. Ladder and St Matthews (Phobics have higher awareness)
                                      2. Torgerseii (Concordance Rates, 31 - 0)
                                        1. Harris (Agorophobia family link)
                                          1. Treatment
                                            1. Drug Therapy
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