Problems the Weimar Republic Faced 2) Political Problems


Cambridge IGCSE History (Germany 1919-1933) Mind Map on Problems the Weimar Republic Faced 2) Political Problems, created by Alice M on 02/06/2013.
Alice M
Mind Map by Alice M, updated more than 1 year ago
Alice M
Created by Alice M almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Problems the Weimar Republic Faced 2) Political Problems
  1. Attempts to overthrow the Weimar Government
    1. LEFT WING
      1. Spartacist Revolt 1919
        1. Communists tried to take power because they felt the the Weimar Republic did not serve the interests of the workers
          1. Led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht
            1. Spartacists attempt to take power by seizing all main points of communication in Berlin, eg. Post Office+Telecommunications building on 5th January 1919
              1. Weimar Republic enlisted help of Freikorps (ex-servicemen) to suppress the revolution. They also shot both Communist Leaders
              2. Soviet-Bavarian Government
                1. Soviet style communist government was set up in Bavaria in 1919
                  1. This was also overthrown by the Freikorps
                2. RIGHT WING
                  1. Kapp Putsch
                    1. March 1920
                      1. Nationalist attempt to take power because they blamed the Weimar Government for the loss of WW1 and wanted a strong leader like the Kaiser had been
                        1. Led by Wolfgang Kapp and ex-army general Ludendorff
                          1. Reaction to reduction of armed forces in Treaty of Versailles
                            1. Tried to take control in Berlin
                              1. The workers that support the Weimar Government went on strike to suppress the revolt
                              2. Munich Putsch
                                1. On 8th November 1923 Hitler marched into a beer hall and claimed the revolution had begun
                                  1. Led by Adolf Hitler and General Ludendorff
                                    1. They attempted to take seize power by taking control of the government in Bavaria then marching to Berlin
                                      1. In response to the French occupation of the Ruhr
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