The formation of relationships Sociobiological approach


A-Levels Psychology (Relationships) Mind Map on The formation of relationships Sociobiological approach, created by harry_bygraves on 06/03/2013.
Mind Map by harry_bygraves, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by harry_bygraves over 11 years ago

Resource summary

The formation of relationships Sociobiological approach
  1. Evolutionary explaination that says we find those people attractive who will provide us with genetic advantage over other possible partners
    1. This genetic advantage could take several different forms or a combination of forms
      1. One theory is that attractive people are those who have a symmetrical face. The better your genes the more symmetrical you look
        1. Another theory may be that the person you find attractive is very kind. This would be improtant because it would suggest that the person would be nice to you in a long term relationship. They would also be more likely to be nice to you and any children you have with them
          1. A third example would be that you find intelligence attractive. If a person is intellengent there is a higher chance that they will be successful and be able to provide for you and your children. There is also the fact that if your partner is intellegent there is a high chance they will pass that intelligence onto children
            1. A final and important example is that in terms of evolution men and women may find different things attractive. Women may find different things attracted to a man who has pplenty of resources to spare for any children they have, or who is strong and could defend her and her children. Men will find fertile women most attractive, as well as women who will be faithful to them. This may be why men of all ages (12-100) are often most attracted to women in their 20-30's, as this is the time of thier highest fertility
              1. Davis (1990) conducted a content analysis of 'personal ads' and found men look health and attractiveness in partners, while the same men offer wealth and resouces. Women look for resources and status, while offering youth and beauty. This supports evolutionary ideas of attraction
                1. Dunbar (1995) content analysis on 900 personal ads; 42% of males were looking for youthful females, while on 25% of females were looking for youthfulness. 44% of males were seeking attractiveness, while only 22% of females were seeking attractiveness. Supporting the idea that males and females differ in terms of what they find attractive based on evolutionary drives
                  1. Pawlowski and Dunbar; found that women hide their age in personal ads. Women ages 35-50 were likely to disguise theor age, which supports the idea that eolutionary pressure form part of attraction
                    1. This theory cannot explain long distance romantic relationships or those relationships where the purpose is not to have children. This means that the sociobiological explaination has limited generalisability and that there must be other factors that can explain attraction
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