Cultural differences


A-Levels Psychology (Relationships) Mind Map on Cultural differences, created by harry_bygraves on 05/06/2013.
Mind Map by harry_bygraves, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by harry_bygraves over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Cultural differences
  1. Maghaddam et al. (1993) studied relationships and pointed out that in the west we tend to be individualistic and this shapes our attitudes to romantic relationships. Colectivist cultures place emphasis on the needs of the group and this includes romantic relationships
    1. Western cultures; choose partner based on personal preference and attraction. It is common to date each other or even cohabit, before making a marriage commitment. In the west many couples decide to cohabit permentantly. The proportion of couples who get married has dropped over the last few decades
      1. Eastern cultures; often marriage is arranged by a family member - the inividuals have no choice who their partner is. Marriages are often arranged to stregthen ties between different groups. A person gets married to help their famiy gain social status. Eastern cultures believe that young people would make poor choices if left to themsleves as they would be 'blinded by love'
        1. When we compare western with eastern romatic relationships are more likey to fail and over time those couples report feeling increasingly dissatisfied with their relationship. In contrast, Eastern marriages last much longer and couples report that levels of love and satisfaction increase overtime
          1. The influence of lots of choice; In the west most people live in large cities and own cars that can take them 100's of miles fairly easy. We can even fly thousands of miles at a reasonable cost. Meaning there is a larger range of possible partners.
            1. In contrast many people living in the east still live in small countryside communities where travel is expensive and cars are far beyond the avergae income. Meaning individuals have less partner choice and possible never meet a individual of the opposite sex they are not related to. When this is the case the most sensible option is to have your family try and find the best marriage that they can offer you.
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