The Great Plains


geography of the plains
Mind Map by cameronsdd, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cameronsdd over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Great Plains
  1. Characteristics of the Great Plains
    1. inhabited by wolves
      1. Dangerous to people and livestock.
      2. Inhabited by locusts and grasshoppers
        1. These ate any crops.
        2. Many areas flat and featureless
          1. Easy to get lost. Nowhere to get protection from winds.
          2. Ferocious winds - the winter 'Northers' and the scorching summer winds
            1. The winter 'Northers' brought hail and blizzards. Tornados destroyed houses.
            2. Unpredictable weather, including extremely cold and violent winters
              1. Very difficult to grow crops. Animals died in winter.
              2. Semi-arid - little water available
                1. Need for drinking water. Need for water for animals.
                2. Lack of trees
                  1. Nothing to build houses etc with. Nothing for fuel.
                  2. Enormous size
                    1. Getting there in the first place. Isolation when there.
                  3. Summary
                    1. Uninhabitable desert (1840 American view)
                      1. Grasslands
                        1. Between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains
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