SDLC - Exam questions


Mind Map on SDLC - Exam questions, created by wolf_auditore on 09/18/2014.
Mind Map by wolf_auditore, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by wolf_auditore over 10 years ago

Resource summary

SDLC - Exam questions
  1. Feasibility
    1. Economical feasibility
      1. cost effective, will the new system increase productivity
      2. Technical
        1. change over
          1. too much disruption caused by changing to the new system
          2. timing
            1. would it fit in the schedule
          3. system analysis
            1. methods
              1. interviews
                1. questionnaires
                  1. observation
                    1. documentation
                    2. methods
                    3. team
                      1. advantages
                        1. more intellectual ideas
                          1. varied experience
                            1. people with different experience can have different jobs
                            2. completed in less time
                              1. more people working
                          2. Requirements specification
                            1. imput
                              1. processing
                                1. output
                                  1. storage
                                    1. hardware
                                      1. software
                                        1. agreement
                                          1. client
                                            1. analyst
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