Global Warming


Mind Map on Global Warming, created by alice.topping on 06/13/2013.
Mind Map by alice.topping, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alice.topping over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Global Warming
  1. Greenhouse effect
    1. What is it?
      1. It is the warming of the earth which occurs when electromagnetic radiation from the sunreaches the earth and is absorbed. The earth then re-emits it as inferred radiation. Some of this radiation is directed back to earth casung the earth to warm up
        1. It allows our planet to be habitable as it causes a warm atmosphere which allows many organisms to survive
        2. Common Green house gases
          1. Water Vapour -Produced from the burning of fossil fuels and occurs naturally
            1. Carbon dioxide - from the burning of fossil fuels , respiration and other various natural processes
              1. Methane - Methane gas is naturally occurring, meaning that it is made through biological and geological processes.
            2. Controversy
              1. For
                1. Against
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