OCR GCSE Chemistry C3


Mind Map on OCR GCSE Chemistry C3, created by Chloe Yong on 24/09/2014.
Chloe Yong
Mind Map by Chloe Yong, updated more than 1 year ago
Chloe Yong
Created by Chloe Yong almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

OCR GCSE Chemistry C3
  1. Alkali
    1. Group 1 compound dissolves to have pH higher than 7. Make indicators change colour (litmus turns BLUE in alkali, red in acid). Alkali neutralises acid to make salt. NEUTRALISATION. Soluble metal carbonates and soluble metal hydroxides.
    2. Anode
      1. POSITIVE electrode in Electrolysis.- with brine, CHLORINE forms
      2. Bases
        1. INSOLUBLE metal hydroxides and metal carbonates. React with acids in similar way that alkalis do, but DON'T affect indicators.
        2. Chlorine
          1. Benefits- Killed water-borne micro-organisms that caused diseases like Cholera and typhoid. CORRELATION between start of chlorination in USA an fall in number of deaths.
            1. Risks-THM's can cause cancer. Reacts with organic matter. It is a toxic fas- causes health problems such as asthama.
            2. Brine
              1. Concentrated sodium chloride solution (salt water)
              2. Cathode
                1. NEGATIVE electrode in Electrolysis. with Brine HYDROGEN forms
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