Implementation of Strategic Change: Politics, Power and Change


Mind Map on Implementation of Strategic Change: Politics, Power and Change, created by william alexander ramirez arias on 13/05/2018.
william alexander ramirez arias
Mind Map by william alexander ramirez arias, updated more than 1 year ago
william alexander ramirez arias
Created by william alexander ramirez arias over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Implementation of Strategic Change: Politics, Power and Change
  1. The strategists must understand the process of elaboration in the organization, the formulation and implementation of the strategy imply a rational process, to drive the political changes in the top management that influence the decision-making process.
    1. It is widely believed that the choice of corporate mission, objectives, and strategy are strongly influenced by organizational policy and conflicts within the organization.
      1. Organizational Power and Politics
        1. The rational vision is that the purposes of the strategic plans, the election of the mission, the objectives and The strategic choice and implementation are aimed at maximizing corporate wealth.
          1. Often the The process of strategic decision making is affected by organizational policies that depend on commitment, negotiation, negotiation, power struggles and coalition. Organizational politics can be seen as the tactic by which interested individuals and groups try to use power to influence the goals and objectives of the organization
            1. The sources of power at the functional and divisional levels are: 1. Ability to cope with uncertainty, 2. Centrality, 3. Control over information, 4. No substitution, 5. Control over contingencies, 6. Control over resources.
            2. Organizational Conflict
              1. Previously, it was thought that the conflict was bad and dysfunctional. Today, conflict is considered necessary for organizational change
                1. Conflict can be defined as a situation in which behavior directed at a target of one group blocks the behavior directed by the goal of another. The sources of conflict are traced
                2. Organization's Conflict Process
                  1. The sources of conflict are inherent the organizations mode of operations. The stages in the conflict process can be viewed as follows:
                    1. 1. Latent confl ict .
                      1. 2. Perceived conflict.
                        1. 3. Felt conflict.
                          1. 4. Manifest conflict.
                            1. 5. Conflict aftermath.
                              1. Managing Conflict Strategically
                            2. Conflict Resolution Strategies
                              1. Changing Task Relationship
                                1. Changing Controls
                                  1. Implementing Strategic Change
                                    1. Changing Leadership
                                      1. Changing the Strategy
                                        1. 1. Colocación de exceso de empleados. 2. Invertir en equipos que mejoran la productividad. 3. Asignar la responsabilidad de ganancias a individuos y subunidades con la compañía. 4. Ajustar los controles financieros. 5. Reducir los productos marginales. 6. Presentación del proceso de gestión de la calidad total.
                                        2. Changing the organization
                                          1. The basic principles for organizational change are as follows. 1) Unfreezing 2) Movement 3) Refreezing
                                        3. Steps in Change Process
                                          1. A series of distinct steps are required in change process: 1. Determining the need for change. 2. Determining the obstacles to change. 3. Implementing change and 4. Evaluating change.

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