1.7 System Software


Mind Map on 1.7 System Software, created by Casey Morris on 14/05/2018.
Casey Morris
Mind Map by Casey Morris, updated more than 1 year ago
Casey Morris
Created by Casey Morris almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

1.7 System Software
  1. System Software
    1. Type of software that controls the computers hardware. Provides an interface between the user of the computer and the hardware.
    2. Operating System
      1. Basically a system software. Provides a virtual machine.
      2. Processor Management
        1. The activity that has just been complete is similar to how the processor has to divide its time between processes. May allocate a small 'time slice' to each seperate process.
        2. User Interface
          1. Command Line Interface
            1. Text Based, e.g. Dos
            2. Graphical User Interface
              1. Contains windows, icons, menus. Visual. E.g. Windows 10
            3. Drivers
              1. A piece of software user to control a piece of hardware.
              2. Utility Programs
                1. Only designed to do just one or two tasks
                  1. Inbuilt into the Operating System
                    1. Anti-virus, disk defragmentation, file repair
                    2. Compression
                      1. Reducing the size of the file by performing an algorithm on the original data
                        1. Loessless
                          1. The original file cant be created as no data is lost.
                          2. Lossy
                            1. Some of the original data is lost and the original file can not be re-created.
                          3. Backup Types
                            1. Full
                              1. A copy of all data/software on the hard disk drive is copied to a backup medium
                              2. Incremental
                                1. A full backup is made initally. Much faster than a full backup. Takes longer to restore.
                              3. Encryption Software
                                1. To scramble data in a way that is unreadable to anybody who doesn't have a key to be able to unscramble this
                                2. Defragmentation Software
                                  1. When a hard disk drive is new, files get onto the disk in order. When deleted they leave gaps. When new files are saved, they fill the gaps and become fragmented.
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