
Mind Map on Untitled, created by Benjamin Rosenauer on 24/10/2014.
Benjamin Rosenauer
Mind Map by Benjamin Rosenauer, updated more than 1 year ago
Benjamin Rosenauer
Created by Benjamin Rosenauer over 9 years ago

Resource summary

European Population
  1. Demographic Change
    1. birth rate
      1. death rate
        1. fertility rate
          1. ageing society
            1. demographic transition
              1. lack of children
              2. migration
                1. work opportunities
                  1. refugees
                    1. joining family members
                      1. free movement of people within the EU
                        1. emigration,immigration and positive or negative migration balance
                        2. Density
                          1. sparsely populated
                            1. densely populated
                                1. urbanisation
                                  1. rural exodus
                                  2. climate
                                  3. diversity
                                    1. different ethnic groups
                                      1. gender diversity
                                        1. languages
                                          1. religions
                                            1. gap between rich and poor
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