Protoctists, bacteria and viruses


created in 7 mins 6 seconds
Mind Map by hcl.wong, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hcl.wong over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Protoctists, bacteria and viruses
  1. Protoctists
    1. single celled and microscopic
        1. some are more similar to animal cells
        2. bacteria
          1. single celled, microscopic
            1. DONT have nuclei
              1. circular chromosome of dna
                1. some can photosyntheise
                  1. feed off organisms, dead or alive
                  2. Viruses
                    1. classed as particles, smaller than bacteria
                      1. can only reproduce inside living cells so are parasites
                        1. infect all types of organisms
                          1. come in lots of sizes and shapes
                            1. do not have cellular structure, they have a protein coat around genetic material, either DNA OR RNA
                            2. pathogens
                              1. some organusms are pathogens, this means that they cause diesease,
                                1. examples are plasmodium(protoctist) which causes malaria; pneumococcus(bacteria) which causes pneumonia and influenza(virus) which causes flu
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