Mr Ghassan


Mind Map on Mr Ghassan, created by mariam abdelaal on 01/10/2018.
mariam abdelaal
Mind Map by mariam abdelaal, updated more than 1 year ago
mariam abdelaal
Created by mariam abdelaal almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Mr Ghassan
    1. 48 YRS heavy smoker for 20 yearS
      1. weight = 117kg, height=175cm
        1. brother died young
          1. mother is diabetic, father is hypertensive
          2. developed painless dot sized spot
            1. which are known as xanothelsmata
              1. cholesterol deposits in subcutaneous tissue
                1. caused by:
                  1. increase in blood's cholesterol level
            2. diagnosed with hypertension
              1. which is an increase in blood pressure
                1. systolic > 140mmhg & diastolic > 90mmhg
                  1. categorized by causes
                    1. primary HT
                      1. idiopathic
                        1. there are some risk factors
                          1. non-modifiable
                            1. age
                              1. gender
                                1. genetics
                                2. modifiable
                                  1. smoking
                                    1. stimulate sympathetic neurons to increase vasoconstriction
                                    2. obesity
                                      1. excessive body fat percentage
                                        1. how is it assessed?
                                          1. BMI
                                            1. waist-hip ratio
                                              1. skin folds & thickness
                                          2. stress
                                            1. alcohol
                                              1. inhibit ADH
                                      2. secondary HT
                                        1. due to underlying cause, ex:
                                          1. Renal artery Stenosis
                                            1. vascular malformations
                                              1. endocrine abnormalities
                                                1. neurological disorders
                                          2. how is bp regulated?
                                            1. short term
                                              1. through peripheral resistance & CO
                                                1. by
                                                  1. Baroreceptors
                                                    1. Carotid sinus
                                                      1. aortic arch
                                                      2. chemoreceptors
                                                        1. peripheral
                                                          1. central
                                                          2. higher brain cells (medulla)
                                                      3. long-term
                                                        1. altering blood volume through renin-angiotensin 2- aldosterone
                                                        2. through hormones
                                                          1. epinephrine & NE
                                                            1. cause vasoconstriction
                                                            2. Endothelin
                                                              1. secreted by Endothelia cells and potent vasoconstrictor
                                                              2. NO
                                                                1. secreted by Endothelial cells & causes vasodilation
                                                                2. ADH
                                                                  1. promotes water retention
                                                                  2. ANP
                                                                    1. secreted by right atria, causes vasodilation
                                                                3. classified according to
                                                                4. treatment
                                                                  1. if not treated, complications may arise
                                                                    1. hypertensive retinopathy
                                                                      1. retinal vascular damage
                                                                        1. classified as
                                                                      2. permanent atrial narrowing
                                                                        1. sometimes vascular occlusion
                                                                          1. heaving apical pulse
                                                                            1. occlusion of dorsalis pedis
                                                                            2. pharmacological
                                                                              1. beta-blocker
                                                                                1. ACE inhibitor
                                                                                  1. ARB
                                                                                    1. Ca-channel blocker
                                                                                      1. diuretics
                                                                                      2. non-pharmacological
                                                                                        1. diet restriction
                                                                                          1. smoking cessation
                                                                                            1. lose weight
                                                                                              1. increase physical activity
                                                                                            2. how common is it in the UAE?
                                                                                              1. 40.8% of Emirati adults aged between 35-70 yrs have hypertension
                                                                                              2. investigations done
                                                                                                1. urinalysis
                                                                                                  1. creatinine clearance
                                                                                                    1. ECG
                                                                                                      1. fasting lipid profile
                                                                                                        1. renal profile
                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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