Duty of Care - Omissions


Mind Map on Duty of Care - Omissions, created by val.corbett on 26/07/2013.
Mind Map by val.corbett, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by val.corbett almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Duty of Care - Omissions
  1. No duty - policy concerns - invasion of personal liberty/Why pick on me?/economic reasons
    1. At common law an affirmative duty to act may arise when one assumes responsibility
      1. Kent v Griffiths [2001] - ambulance accepting call
        1. Barrett v Min For Defence [1995] - failure to care for drunk soldier
        2. Good Samaritans
          1. The Civil Law Act 2011
            1. No duty to act to assist a stranger
              1. Section 51D - immunity to rescuer re rescue
                1. Section 51D(3) - immunity lost where rescuer acts in bad faith or with gross negligence
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