McDISNEYIZATION and POST-TOURISM by George Ritzer and Allan Liska


Mind Map on McDISNEYIZATION and POST-TOURISM by George Ritzer and Allan Liska, created by ct.w42080 on 12/11/2014.
Mind Map by ct.w42080, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by ct.w42080 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

McDISNEYIZATION and POST-TOURISM by George Ritzer and Allan Liska
  1. Objectives: Changes in the nature of tourism, especially social phenomena.from both modern view and post-modern perspective
    1. McDonaldization (Society) Rationalisation (Weber, 1993)
      1. Moden - McDisneyization
        1. 4 chararistic of a vacation preferred
          1. Highly Efficient
            1. Value-worth within time contraint
            2. Highly Calculable
              1. Calculable cost
                1. Time Plan
                2. Highly Controlled
                  1. Behaviour control by scripts
                  2. Highly Predictable
                    1. Less tolerance for uncertainty
                      1. Comfort Zone
                3. Post-Tourism
                  1. Feifer (1985)
                    1. Less necessary to leave home for tour
                      1. Varies options
                        1. Touring = Game
                        2. Rojek (1993)
                          1. Accepts commodification of tourism
                            1. Tourism ends in itself
                              1. Drawn to the signs
                              2. Erving Goggman ( 1961) Total Institution
                                1. Soft control (unaware)
                                  1. Designed for behaviur control
                                  2. MacCannell (1989)
                                    1. Tourists search authenticity
                                  3. Conclusion: Technologies influence in social thinking and attitudes. Tourism is becoming such an ecstatic form, with material interests. Tourist today is searching for inauthenticity experience because it is hard to find authentic sites .
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