Methods of Improving Quality


A-Level Business Mind Map on Methods of Improving Quality, created by Carina Storm on 16/01/2019.
Carina Storm
Mind Map by Carina Storm, updated more than 1 year ago
Carina Storm
Created by Carina Storm over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Methods of Improving Quality
  1. Total Quality Management
    1. TQM is a philosophy, not a tool
      1. A way of looking at a quality issue
        1. Requires commitment from the whole organisation, not just the quality control department
          1. The business considers quality in every part of the business process from
            1. Design to
              1. to
                1. Sales
            2. TQM is about building-in rather than inspecting-out.
              1. Success of TQM depend on it being imbedded in the organisational culture
              2. Quality Control
                1. Quality Assurance
                  1. Improvement
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