Metalwork mindmap


Manuel Lakatos
Mind Map by Manuel Lakatos, updated more than 1 year ago
Manuel Lakatos
Created by Manuel Lakatos about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Metalwork mindmap
  1. drilling: allwaise wear glasses ,sleaves pulled up,tight up hair
    1. plastic cap
    2. 2 stroke engine
      1. foam plastic support
      2. vacuum
        1. glass with silvered surface
          1. inner silvered surface
            1. outer silvered surface
              1. outer case
                1. 2 stroke engine
                  1. 4 stroke engine
                    1. induction
                      1. compression
                        1. power
                          1. exhaust
                    2. combustion chamber
                      1. spark plug
                        1. exhaust outlet
                          1. crank case
                            1. fuel
                              1. reed valve
                                1. platon
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