Beautiful bodies


A mind map of the organsystems.
Lauren Hughes
Mind Map by Lauren Hughes, updated more than 1 year ago
Lauren Hughes
Created by Lauren Hughes almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

Beautiful bodies
  1. Organs systems
    1. Made of
      1. organs
        1. cell tissues
          1. cells
          2. Purpose
            1. Carry out functions to keep us alive
            2. Skeletal system
              1. Made of
                1. bones
                  1. joints
                    1. cartiledge
                      1. cushions the end of the bone
                        1. helps bones slide over each other
                        2. ligaments
                          1. connects bones to bones
                          2. tendons
                            1. connects muscles to bones
                            2. synovial fluid
                              1. reduces friction
                              2. synovial membrane
                                1. creates synovial fluids
                                  1. keeps in synovial fluids
                                2. teeth
                                3. Purpose
                                  1. support
                                    1. making red blood cells
                                      1. protection
                                        1. movement
                                      2. Muscular system
                                        1. Made of
                                          1. muscle tissue
                                          2. Purpose
                                            1. movement
                                              1. maintaining posture
                                                1. stabilising joints
                                                2. How they work
                                                  1. contract
                                                    1. gets shorter
                                                      1. gets fatter
                                                      2. relax
                                                        1. gets longing
                                                          1. gets thinner
                                                      3. Digestive system
                                                        1. Purpose
                                                          1. get food into the body
                                                            1. breaks food down
                                                              1. gets food into the blood system
                                                              2. Enzymes
                                                                1. purpose
                                                                  1. breaks down larger molecules into smaller molecules
                                                                  2. types
                                                                    1. amylase
                                                                      1. breaks down starch
                                                                        1. creates glucose
                                                                        2. protease
                                                                          1. breaks down protein
                                                                            1. creates amino acids
                                                                            2. lipase
                                                                              1. breaks down fats
                                                                                1. creates fatty acids
                                                                          2. Respiratory system
                                                                            1. Purpose
                                                                              1. takes oxygen around the body
                                                                                1. to respire
                                                                                  1. from the alveoli
                                                                                  2. takes glucose around the body
                                                                                      1. from the small intestines
                                                                                    1. Made of
                                                                                      1. right heart
                                                                                        1. left heart
                                                                                          1. blood vessels
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