
GCSE Business Studies Mind Map on RECRUITMENT!, created by Taysha st-louis on 05/09/2019.
Taysha st-louis
Mind Map by Taysha st-louis, updated more than 1 year ago
Taysha st-louis
Created by Taysha st-louis over 5 years ago

Resource summary

  1. reasons for a vacancy
    1. There are many different reasons that an organization may decide to recruit someone to a position
      1. The most common reason is that someone is leaving to go and work for another organization, this means that their position needs to be filled
        1. Examples: high turnover, extra work, different work, sickness, maternity cover, employee leaving
      2. Process involved in recruitment planning
        1. The first stage of recruitment is an applicant
          1. Part of recruitment planning involves the organization working out is they need to recruit anyone at all
            1. The organization will need to consider whether to undertake internal or external recruitment
        2. KEY TERMS!
          1. Applicant- the name given to a person applying for a job
            1. Internal recruitment- recruiting someone who already works for the business to do a different job
              1. External business- recruiting someone from outside the business
                1. Temporary- for a limited amount of time specified- example, a month/ a yr
                  1. Permanent- until that person decides to leave or the job ceases to exist
          2. Decision to recruit
            1. Before an organization actually recruits a new person to do a job, it will make sure that it really needs to recruit that person permanently and that the work cannot be done by somebody else.
            2. Internal recruitment
              1. The person will already have an ideaof the type of organization that they are woeking for and the skills needed to work there
              2. External recruitment
                1. This is the opposite of Internal recruitment. Consultants work with prospective applicants to find out whether they would be suitable for the job or not.
                2. Advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally
                  1. ADVANTAGES - cheap to advertise, all candidates are known to the organization, more likely to have smaller numbers of applicants and it can encourage career progression
                    1. DISADVANTAGES - limited choice of candidates, may cause problems among employees due to the charge, employees may be stuck in their ways, may not generate new ideas and the successful candidate will need to be replaced, needing another recruitment plan
                  2. Advantages and disadvantages of external recruitment
                    1. ADVANTAGES - higher number of candidates, candidates may have new ideas and potential for new skills to be brought into the organization
                      1. DISADVANTAGES - takes longer, person appointed may not be as good as they appear and more expensive to advertise
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