

Mind Map on Gandhi, created by paraicoreilly59 on 17/12/2014.
Mind Map by paraicoreilly59, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by paraicoreilly59 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. worked for better Indian rights
    1. encouraged Indians to have non-violent protests(satyagraha)
      1. In 1914 he got better rights granted for Indians after being thrown in jail countless times
        1. he won Independence for India in 1948
          1. India was split into two parts one for Hinduiusm one for Islam
            1. begins to fast and visit cities in an attempt to unite the two have and have peaceful religious co-existence
              1. Was shot by a Hindu fanatic shortly after he ended his fast
    2. Born in India into a Hindu family
      1. studied all relegions
        1. remained committed Hindu
          1. But believed "relegion's were paths all leading to the same point"
      2. began to dress like the lowest Indian
        1. each morning and evening he held a prayer service called ashram
          1. worship and prayer were important to him
            1. He often quoted the bible and Q'uaran in his masses
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