Human Rights: Social Studies: By Derik


This is actually quite interesting, including all the tags above and FBI vs. Martin and his family
Derik_ DJ#
Slide Set by Derik_ DJ#, updated more than 1 year ago
Derik_ DJ#
Created by Derik_ DJ# almost 5 years ago

Resource summary

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    Human Rights: Social Studies
    By Derik

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    Universal Decleration of Human Rights
    Is a foundational document made from the leaders of the world. They made it for these specific reasons  *  There was too much violence going on * Police where like murderers and bullys that injured people * Decided to make a foundational document of 30 suggestions of how the presidents SHOULD treat they’re people better * Some leaders of the country decided to follow the suggestions because they realized what they were causing to their people so put a stop to that * Other countries didn’t care at all and kept going, in those certain countries they’re are people dying of food, poor people, hurt people, and the leaders didn’t care.
    Now you get the reason why the UDHR was made.

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    The Golden Rule
    The Golden Rule was created because of- * Poeples human rights  * People not being treated with care * But- The Golden Rule helped a certain amount of countries, because humans in countries where being beaten by the police. They were held back and beaten or even killed. Other people were helped and the poor were left to die. It was unfair for them, so that's exactly how the Golden Rule took place. =D, You feel lucky right?

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    Caption: : Martin Luther's Speech "I have a Dream"
    Martin Luther King Jr.
    MLK Jr.’s brother’s house was bombed, aswell was his bombed in January 30th 1956. That gave him the strength to stand up for other people and stop segregation, white people were given too much freedom. They were able to actually (Kill) black people. Martin Luther did not like this and he decided to make a speech called “I have a Dream”, he also started peaceful protesting.He was put in jail about (30) times. Yeah can you believe it? I bet ya can’t. Well Martin tried to change the government's mind. But of course it took a heck of so many tries.

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    More on Martin Luther King Jr.
    Caption: : FBI suicide threat to MLK Jr.
    Most of the white people wanted to keep doing what they did to black people and wanted to continuously keep causing pain to black people. So someone came along called James Earl Ray and shot Martin. He was sentenced (20) years in prison for repeated offences. He escaped Missouri State Penitentiary in 1967 by hiding in a truck transporting bread from the prison bakery. He eventually died in April 23rd, 1998, in Nashville. But listen to this, once Martin Luther King’s family found out about MLK Jr. they believed James Earl Ray was T0TALLY (INNOCENT).  I zoomed into this picture and reaad the very end it was a threat. Look at this picture.

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    Just Where it gets Interesting (MLK)
    MLK Jr.’s family believed the FBI assassinated MLK. Martin knew the FBI didn’t have pleasure in Martin, neither even wanted to start by Mr. or Dr., the FBI didn’t care about Martin, so MLK’s family believed that the FBI made James Earl Ray fake that he had actually murdered MLK Jr.  MLK's wife started believing in James Earl Ray's innocence, she suspected that the FBI that were investigating the murder were involved, and that they blamed James Earl. Martin Luther King Jr.'s family believed this because they knew that the FBI hated Martin Luther King Jr. James Earl Ray was trying to show that he was inncoent but couldn't. "There is abundant evidence of major high level conspiracy in the assasination of my husband, Martin Luther King Jr." Coretta King said at a press conference in 1999, according to the King Center. It was a theory she mantained until her death in 2006 that has so far never been proven. Well now you know what people believed that happened more then believing James Earl murdered. Visit for more information. (Just have to put and then search for MLK news

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    Muhammad Gandhi
    Gandhi was born in India. He was in a country were people got shot by the British people. They were dying and Gandhi actually wanted to stop that. He had the spirit, just like Martin Luther, but exactly the same, he sadly died. But before that he peaceful protest. He didn’t care what happened to him, he would do anything to make his country better. To have more freedom. But he kept getting beaten or put in jail. He didn't care at all, he was getting more and more annoying for the government. Not unstoppable, but disturbing, and it came to the point were he died in January 30th 1948. He was shot, remembered, and he was loved.  Gandhi was shot for a certain reason, people from India were getting killed because of what Gandhi was standing up for, the British started shooting them and that still didn't make Gandhi stop protesting. But people appreciate Gandhi, he will always be remebered for his actions.

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    Amnesty International
    This is a site made especially for telling whats going on around us. To tell us how much people are suffering from the people in charged of these countries. To try and get us to help to help others. "Help us to help them" I see these signs all over the streets, I was wonderin' maybe its fro Amnesty International

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    Thank U for Readin', Questions?
    You are free to ask any questions, but pleaase visit  =D

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