Bower and Springston (1970)


Aim, method, conclusion and results of Bower and Springston (1970) study
Mind Map by charlotteupham, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by charlotteupham over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Bower and Springston (1970)
  1. Aim
    1. To test the effects of chunking
    2. Method
      1. Two groups of participants
        1. Control group was presented with letters like FB, IPH, DTW, AIB and M
          1. Experimental group: same letters, but grouped differently: FBI, PHD, CIA, IBM
      2. Results
        1. Experimental group recalled more letters than the control group
        2. Conclusion
          1. Chunking increases the capacity of the short-term memory. When the letters are arranged, we already know what it stands for i.e. FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
            1. It is already stored in our long-term memory
          2. Evaluation
            1. Easy to replicate because of lab setting
              1. Researchers can gather quantitive date - easily analysed
              2. Artificial setting - lacks ecological validity because the results aren't generated in a daily life situation
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