Cell Transportation


Mind Map on Cell Transportation, created by od008 on 10/02/2015.
Mind Map by od008, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by od008 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Cell Transportation
  1. Enzymes (Type 1)
    1. Catalysts: Speeds up reactions without being used up themselves
      1. Energy of Activation: the amount of energy the reactants must absorb to become activated and start a chemical reaction
        1. Endergonic Reactions
          1. Exergonic Reactions: a reaction that releases energy
        2. Active Site: 3-D site that substrate will bind to
          1. Substrate: molecule that binds with an enzyme, the reactant
            1. Induced fit & Hydrolysis Reactions
              1. Causes Entropy
                1. First Law of Therodynamics
                  1. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed or transferred
                  2. Second Law of Therodynamics
                    1. Energy conversions reduce the order of the universe and increase entropy
                      1. Entropy: the amount of disorder in a system
                2. Competitive Inhibitors: blocks active site and active site becomes close
                  1. Incompetitive inhibitors: change the shape of the active site by binding at a different location
                3. Imbedded in membrane
                  1. Phospholipid bilayer
                    1. Fluid Mosaic Model
                      1. Made of tails of lipids (hydrophobic) and the heads (hydrophilic) that attract water molecules
                      2. Enzymes
                        1. 3 types of membrane proteins
                          1. Receptors
                            1. Transport
                              1. Passive Transport
                                1. Diffusion
                                  1. Molecules always move from an area of [H] --> [L]
                                    1. No ATP
                                  2. Osmosis
                                    1. The diffusion of water across a semipermeable membrane
                                      1. No ATP
                                    2. Facilitated Diffusion
                                      1. Transport proteins may facilitate diffusion across membranes
                                        1. No ATP
                                    3. Active Transport
                                      1. Endocytosis
                                        1. Phagocytosis
                                          1. cell eating
                                          2. Pinocytosis
                                            1. cell drinking
                                            2. Receptor- mediated
                                            3. Exocytosis
                                              1. [L] --> [H]
                                                1. Sodium Potassium Pump
                                      2. Energy
                                        1. Potential Energy
                                          1. stored energy
                                          2. Kinetic Energy
                                            1. Energy in motion
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