Prejudice/Justice/Treatment - Frankenstein


Mind Map on Prejudice/Justice/Treatment - Frankenstein, created by mollymolls16 on 13/02/2015.
Mind Map by mollymolls16, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by mollymolls16 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Prejudice/Justice/Treatment - Frankenstein
  1. The Monster
    1. Everyone in the novel assumes The Monster is dangerous due to his physical outward appearance
      1. In fact The Monster is more human , more caring and more kind than his creator Victor Frankenstein
      2. The monster finds himself constant;ly rejected by villages and families despite his beneveloent intentions , from this he realises the "barbarity of man
      3. Frankenstein and The Monster
        1. Once Frankenstein has finally created the monster he becomes horrified by his appearance
          1. Frankenstein wakes in the night and sees the Monster smiling , he runs outside
            1. Frankenstein checks his apartment and the monster has gone and is overjoyed by this.
            2. Quotes about Prejudice
              1. Chapter 5 Frankenstein "the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart"
                1. Chapter 7 Frankenstein( Williams Murder) "it was the wretch , the filthy demon to whom I had given life"
                  1. Chapter 16 Monster "I am alone and miserable : man will not associate with me "
                    1. Chapter 24 Monster "Was there no injustice in this ? Am I to be thought the only criminal when all humankind sinned against me ?
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