Investigation methodology CreateBy: Jhon Jairo Giraldo Porto20/11/2019


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Investigation methodology CreateBy: Jhon Jairo Giraldo Porto20/11/2019
  1. Wallace (1976) The development of scientific research must be circular and nonlinear then, with each element, there is a interdependence.
    1. Each element has an interaction with the others, is supported by the previously defined and influences the subsequent ones, maintaining a unity and coherence. There are numerous alternatives, proposals and suggestions regarding research but, in all, there are points of coincidence (Cerda, 1998)


      • Hugo Cerda (1998) Los elementos de la investigación.
      1. 1. Research topic
        1. It must arouse the interest of the investigator. He define aspects to take into account.
          1. 1.1 Search and topic definition
            1. Topic: is the general idea of ​​the field of knowledge of a discipline in which there is interest to conduct an investigation. It must be relevant and be consistent with the contents of the discipline or profession
              1. The topic to investigate arises from a general idea that is defined from increasingly specific questions. With this, subfields of the discipline are emerging research.
                1. Forms generating research topics:
                  1. - Reflective and critical reading. -Active participation -Experience individual -Professional practice -Classroom - Centers research - Organizations interested in research - The teachers


                    • Otros autores manejan diferentes formas de elegir el tema de investigación como Cerda (1988) y Muñoz Giraldo et al (2001).
            2. 1.2 Criteria to consider the relevance of the topic


              • No existen criterios únicos pero los siguientes son propuestos por el autor.
              1. - New: the subject has been treated very little or proposes a new way to investigate it. - Contrast: compare results of previous research in New contexts - Need and importance: a determined situation that deserves to be studied arguing the importance of addressing the issue. - Resolution: that helps solve a problem specific. - Concretion and relevance: specify the topic to investigate and corroborate its relevance. - Guidelines: that corresponds to the guidelines set by the institution.
              2. 1.3 Means to categorize the relevance of the topic
                1. Reading on the subject to which the idea refers
                  1. It should be polled about what has been topic writing (other authors) and the importance of topic in the present.
                  2. Experts in the subject
                    1. Guidance is received from experts in the field to investigate on relevance, they suggest changes or adjustments or even Discard the topic.
                    2. Coordinators of the degree work area or research centers
                      1. They have as mission guide the interested in the research with information topic updated and support to define subjects of investigation.
                    3. 1.4 Title of the topic to be investigated
                      1. Since the topic has been defined, it should be condensed (or synthesize) in a phrase that expresses the essence of the idea. Should demonstrate the problem, and in particular, the subject to investigate reflecting the whole process.
                  3. 2. The research problem
                    1. In research, problem is everything that becomes an object of reflection and about which perceives the need to know and study (pragmatic model). Problem of research: The situation, phenomenon, event, fact or object of the study that is going to perform. Pose problem to investigate: state and formulate the problem.
                      1. 2.2 Formulate the problem
                        1. It is formulated when the investigator dictates or makes a kind of prognosis about the situation of the problem. He poses by formulating questions oriented to Give answers to the research problem.


                          • (Méndez, 1995)
                          1. An adequate problem formulation involves the elaboration of 2 levels of questions:
                            1. General question: what should be the essence of the problem, the title of the study.
                              1. Specific questions: oriented to interrogate about specific aspects to problem and that, as a whole, make up its entirety.
                          2. 2.1 State the problem
                            1. Description of the problem: show the situation, the object of study, present it, show it and expose the characteristics or features of theme, situation or aspect of interest.
                              1. Specify the nature and dimensions of same in detail and precision. As well are due from narrate background.


                                • (Tamayo, 2002)
                          3. 3. Objectives of the investigation
                            1. They are the purposes of the study, they express the end that aims to achieve and research is aimed at achieving these goals. They must be clear and precise, they can Change throughout the investigation.
                              1. 3.1 How are drafted and defined investigation objectives
                                1. Use verbs in infinitive and that these can be reached during the development of the investigation. - It is not necessary to write preambles at the time of write the objectives, express them directly. - Desirable that all can be put into practice that It helps to solve problems.
                                2. 3.2 Objectives: general and specific
                                  1. General: Must reflect the essence of approach of problem and idea expressed in the Title of the project research.
                                    1. Specific: Are the steps that are given to achieve the overall objective. He detach from this and must be oriented to Your achievement
                                3. 4. Justification and delimitation of the investigation
                                  1. Oriented to solve some problem. Must be expose why you deserve research, you should determine the dimension to know the variability about the topic.
                                    1. 4.1 Justification criteria


                                      • (Méndez, 1995)
                                      1. Theoretical justification
                                        1. It is used when the purpose of the study is generate reflection and academic debate about existing knowledge, confront a theory, contrast results or do Epistemology of existing knowledge.
                                          1. It is done when: - In an investigation you Seeks to show model solutions. - When new paradigms are proposed or makes an epistemological reflection although at Implement it becomes practical.
                                          2. Practical justification
                                            1. When its development helps solve a problem or at least proposes strategies that when applied will help solve.
                                            2. Methodological justification
                                              1. When he study that will realize propose a new method or strategy for generate knowledge valid.
                                            3. 4.2 Limitations of the study or research
                                              1. Limitations of: - Time: It is necessary to determine the period during which the project will be enhanced. - Space or territory: demarcations of space within which the investigation. - Resources: resource availability Financial
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