Cognitive approach mind map


Mind Map on Cognitive approach mind map, created by Rob James on 21/01/2020.
Rob James
Mind Map by Rob James, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by kikileah97 over 10 years ago
Rob James
Copied by Rob James over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Cognitive approach mind map
  1. Assumptions
    1. Behaviour is shaped by internal processes of the mind
      1. Schemas
        1. Bartlett's 'war of the ghosts' study
          1. Normalising and rationalising the story to fit existing schemas
            1. canoe - boat hunting seals - fishing
          2. Packets of information that help make sense of the world around us
        2. The brain is like a computer
          1. Input........processing........output
            1. we take information from the environment and then process it to make sense of the world
              1. Mental processes
                1. attention, perception, memory, language and thinking
                  1. stroop test
                    1. INPUT
                      1. Colours and words
                      2. PROCESS
                        1. perception (of list), memory (what colours look like) and language
                        2. OUTPUT
                          1. Correct answer
              2. Attribution Theory
                1. The person; internal/dispositional attributes
                  1. Personality
                    1. Someone has a loud behaviour in terms of their extroverted personality
                      1. Observer bias - Fundamental attribution error (FAE)
                        1. Getting cut in traffic; you assume driver is an 'idiot' (dispositional attribute), instead could be rushing to hospital (situational attribute)
                    2. The situation; external/situational attributes
                      1. Social norms or luck
                        1. Someone is loud because the environment is noisy
                            1. Self-serving bias
                              1. Taking credit for our successes and disassociate ourselves from our failures
                                1. Protects our self-esteem and gives us a sense of control
                                  1. E.g. exam results - good results because they revised hard, bad results because they had a bad teacher or a hard paper
                      2. Cognitive Behaviour therapy
                        1. aims to make abnormal behaviour normal by changing negative thinking into constructive, positive thinking
                          1. The glass is half full not half empty
                            1. 1. client explains what they are finding difficult, how they feel about themselves etc. The therapist must then challenge and negative and distorted thinking.
                              1. 2. The therapist challenges the clients negative self-schema
                                1. 3. The client is given homework to aid the process. Dysfunctional thought diary where unpleasant emotions are recorded and a rational response is written to challenge these
                                  1. 4. Client is taught relaxation techniques to help in anxious periods.
                              2. 16-20 sessions are needed and most effective when used with anti-depressants
                              3. Highest success rate 90%+ (David and Avellino)
                              4. Strengths
                                1. Practical applications
                                  1. 90%+ success rate for CBT by challenging negative schema
                                  2. Nature/Nurture
                                    1. Nature - processing, we are all born with the input, processing, output
                                      1. Nurture - schema, everyones schemas are different depending on their experiences/knowledge
                                    2. Weaknesses
                                      1. Reductionist
                                        1. Only concentrates on processing and ignores genes, environment, the unconscious mind and other factors
                                        2. Deterministic
                                          1. People have no free will as they have no control over processing
                                        3. Methodology
                                          1. Lab experiment
                                              1. Reliable
                                                1. Lacks external validity
                                                2. Morris - schema score (IV) effects memory score (DV)
                                                3. Case studies
                                                    1. High external validity
                                                      1. Ethical issues
                                                      2. Clive Wearing - viral encephalitis. confused, easily irritated. Only short term memory
                                                        1. HM - had epilepsy after accident and started to forget after receiving a brain operation
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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