Biology: nervous system


iGCSE Biology Mind Map on Biology: nervous system, created by cleo.moseley9 on 19/02/2015.
Mind Map by cleo.moseley9, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cleo.moseley9 over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Biology: nervous system
  1. nervous control
    1. peripheral nervous system
      1. detect stimuli and send impulses to CNS
        1. neurons
          1. motor neurone
            1. carry electrical impulses from CNS
              1. to the effectors (muscles)
            2. sensory neurone
              1. carry electrical impulses from receptors
                1. to the CNS
          2. Nervous pathway
            1. stimulus
              1. receptor
                1. sensory nerves
                  1. CNS
                    1. motor nerves
                      1. effector
                        1. response
          3. responses
            1. voluntary
              1. slow and involves brain
              2. involuntary
                1. fast and involves spinal cord
                  1. reflex actions
                2. neuro-transmitters
                  1. synapse
                    1. gap between 2 nerve cells
                      1. impulse reaches end of one nerve + causes release of chemicals
                        1. these are called neuro-transmitters
                    2. drugs
                      1. released from storage site in neurons
                        1. increases activity
                    3. the eye
                      1. iris
                        1. controls how much light enters eye
                        2. pupil
                          1. lets light into eye
                            1. appears black because chloroid is visible
                            2. cornea
                              1. transparent layer
                                1. refraction of light rays
                                2. retina
                                  1. contains light sensitive cells
                                    1. cones
                                      1. see colour
                                        1. work in bright light
                                          1. found in centre of retina
                                          2. rods
                                            1. see b&w
                                              1. work in dim light
                                                1. found around sides
                                            2. lens
                                              1. object far
                                                1. long and thin
                                                2. object near
                                                  1. short and fat
                                                3. optic nerve
                                                  1. sensory neurones
                                                    1. carry nerve impulses to visual centre
                                                  2. acommodation
                                                    1. change that must occur to see one object far and one near
                                                      1. refraction of light
                                                        1. far
                                                          1. refracted less
                                                          2. close
                                                            1. refracted more
                                                          3. ciliary muscle
                                                            1. far
                                                              1. relax
                                                              2. close
                                                                1. contract
                                                              3. ligament
                                                                1. far
                                                                  1. tight
                                                                  2. close
                                                                    1. relax
                                                              4. sensitivity
                                                                1. ability to perceive, process, conduct stimuli and react
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