SWOT Analysis


Mind Map on SWOT Analysis, created by hesarne on 15/09/2013.
Mind Map by hesarne, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hesarne over 10 years ago

Resource summary

SWOT Analysis
  1. Weakness
    1. None of us have built a school before
      1. funds are limited to what the non-profit has raised and has available in grants
        1. Unknown expected complication with renovation once we start
        2. Opportunities
          1. potential for donated product and service to cut cost
            1. Community members that will use the school can help with the labor and cut cost
            2. Threats
              1. Union Labor
                1. Material Costs
                  1. Permits, licensing and inspections cost and affects on timeline
                  2. Strength
                    1. The groups diverse experiences and contacts
                      1. Non-Profit Board members are often corporate executive with good contacts which will help with bids for contracts
                        1. Schools have rigid guidelines, so the project plan should be clear
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