Difficult to define and
diagnose: because
diagnosis is largely based
on self report or exhibition
1) Statistical infrequency
Deviance related to the statistical
average, this implies that statistically
common behaviour is normal and deviant
from normal is abnormal
Disadvantages of using
stats in this way to discuss
They don't say whether the abnormality is positive
or negative e.g. higher IQ would be called an
abnormality the same as a low IQ but a higher IQ is
positive but lower is negative
Can't take everyone into account, especiall
when it comes to culture. e.g. Rack (1982)
in china mental illness carries stigma and
so diagnosis' are rare
2) deviation from ideal mental health
Jahoda's characteristics of ideal mental health include: - Positive attitudes
towards self -Self actualisation of ones potential - Resistance to stress -
Personal autonomy - Accurate percption of reality - Adapting to the
Purple Sandwiches Run Past And Attack
Szasz - psychological normality and
abnormality are cultural concepts and are
not based on objective criteria
Taylor and Brown (1988) - there is the view that
psychologically healthy people are ones that maintain
close contact with reality, but they found that this is not in
line with research findings. People have positive illsions
about themselves
3) Deviation from social norms
Every society sets up rules for behaviour based on a set of moral
standards. some of these rules are explicit and violating them can
mean breaking the law. Other rules are implicit and agreed as a matter
of convention within a particular society.
These rules of conduct become established as
social norms and people who violate them are
regarded as abnormal
E.g. 'Innapropriate affect' (emotion) is
often found in people with schizophrenia
e.g. laughing when told someone died.
using deviation from social norms as a way of
detecting mental illness can be quite practical. We
know what to expect from people and if their behaviour
drastically deviates from this then we become
concerned. COuld be vital - some with depression not
able to motivate selves o find help
potential discriminiation against
minorities e.g. Rack in china
There is a necessary distinction between abnormal and
criminal - as criminals are abnormal but people who are
abnormal are not always criminals