AS Sociology: Unit 1: Families and Households: Childhood.


Mind Map on AS Sociology: Unit 1: Families and Households: Childhood., created by Mel98 on 10/03/2015.
Mind Map by Mel98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Mel98 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

AS Sociology: Unit 1: Families and Households: Childhood.
  1. Socially constructed: childhood is created by social process, rather than naturally ocuring.
    1. Aries 1962: Historical changes in childhood
      1. 10th-13th Century: Childhood is non existent. They have the same needs as adults.
        1. 10th-16th Century: The emergence of the 'modern child'. Working class still involved child labour.
          1. 17th Century: Children and adults have different clothing styles.
            1. 18th Century: Handbooks on childbearing. Children centre of family life.
              1. 20th Centruy: 'The century of the children.
        2. A02: Pollack argues that Aries' work is flawed. Childhood has always been around. Looks at diaries written between 16th and 20th century, Evidence to suggest that childhood does exist.
          1. A02: Cunningham examined Renaissance Art, children were innocents, meaning childhood did exist in these times.
          2. NOT COMPLETED YET...
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