Control of heartbeat


Unit 1-section 5 The circulatory system AQA
Mind Map by zainabzahid98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by zainabzahid98 about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Control of heartbeat
  1. Myogenic
    1. means it can contract and relax without recieving signals from nerves
      1. start in the SAN(wall of the right atrium)
        1. SAN is like a pacemaker-it sets the rhythm of the heartbeat by sending out regular waves of electrical activity to the atrial walls
          1. This causes the right and left atria to contract at the same time
            1. A band of non conducting collagen tissue prevents it from being passed on to the ventricles
              1. Instead, they're transferred from SAN to the AVN
                1. the AVN then pases it on to the B.O.H
                  1. BUT,theres a slight DELAY before the AVN does this, to make sure the atria completely empty before the ventricles contract
                    1. The B.O,H is a group of muscle fibres responsible for passing the waves to the finner muscle fibres called PRKYNE fibres.
                      1. The PRYKNE fibres then carry these waves into the muscular walls of the right and left ventricles-causing them to contract simutaneously
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