Basic Immunology Principles


Intro to Immunology
Adylene Morales
Mind Map by Adylene Morales, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Robyn Hokulani-C
Created by Robyn Hokulani-C about 9 years ago
Adylene Morales
Copied by Adylene Morales over 4 years ago

Resource summary

Basic Immunology Principles
  1. Innate/Nonspecific Immune System
    1. Born with it
      1. First line of defense
        1. Physical barriers such as skin
          1. Chemical barriers and components in nasopharynx, guts, GI tract, and lungs
            1. Inflammatory Responses
              1. Monocytes (blood) will follow neutrophils to inflammatory sites
                1. Macrophages from connective tissue, liver, lung, brain, spleen, bone marrow, and lymph nodes will ingest and destroy invaders within tissues
                  1. Natural Killer Cells or NK are a small subset of lymphocytes within lymph organs and blood that recognizes and destroys host cells infected with microbes or viruses. Activates phagocytes by interferon-y
                    1. Interferons are cytokines that ellicit cellular reactions that prevent viral replication
                      1. Complement Cascade is a group of proteins in the blood that consist of chemical reactions that consist of three pathways
                      2. Adaptive/Specific/Acquired Immune System
                        1. Humoral Component
                          1. B Lymphocytes
                            1. Produces immunoglobulins
                              1. Y shaped Molecules: igG, IgM, IgE, IgA, IgD
                              2. Secreted in body fluid or "humors"
                                1. Each time an antigen enters the body, the B cell reacts
                                  1. Specific receptor to a specific antigen
                                    1. Matures in the bone marrow
                                  2. Cell-mediated Component
                                    1. T Lymphocytes
                                      1. Matures in the thymus
                                        1. Specific receptor to specific antigen
                                          1. Helper T Cells
                                            1. Recognizes phagocytized antigens swallowed by antigen-presenting cell (APC) by releasing cytokines to further phagocytize ingested invaders
                                              1. Helps B cells differentiate into anti-body producing cells
                                          2. Reponds specifically to foreign substances
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