Rheology of Food


Mind Map on Rheology of Food, created by Cheryl Te on 25/09/2013.
Cheryl Te
Mind Map by Cheryl Te, updated more than 1 year ago
Cheryl Te
Created by Cheryl Te over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Rheology of Food
  1. Dealing with a hierarchical material
    1. Suspension, emulsion and interfaces foams, biopolymer gels and mixtures
      1. relationships between deformation, stresses and the resulting rheological properties such as viscosity, elasticity or viscoelasticity
        1. Provide understanding of the self-assembly of food ingredients on the colloidal level
        2. Rheology and human perception
          1. during mastication
            1. Tongue and mouth senses aggregates greater than 20 μm
          2. Flow phenomena
            1. nano- and microstructure resists the applied stress and reversibly deforms
              1. Squeeze flow and lubrication flow
              2. Importance
                1. flow proerties define food structure during manufacturing/preparation
                  1. physiologically in mouth, stomach, and intestine
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