
Psicologia Mind Map on FUNDAMENTOS DE INVESTIGACIÓN., created by Mercedes Chavez on 23/06/2020.
Mercedes Chavez
Mind Map by Mercedes Chavez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Robyn Chamberlain
Created by Robyn Chamberlain about 10 years ago
Mercedes Chavez
Copied by Mercedes Chavez almost 4 years ago

Resource summary



  • Reconstruction of Automobile Destruction
  1. Participants/Sample
    1. Opportunistic Sample
      1. Experiment 1 - 45 University students from a psychology class.
        1. Experiment 2 -150 university students from a psychology class.
      2. Variables
        1. (DV) Independent Variable


          • The leading question.
          1. (IV) Dependant Variable


            • The estimate of the speed given by the participant.
          2. Method/Procedure
            1. A Laboratory Experiment and Snapshot method was used.


              • Snapshot - The opposite to longitudinal. A study that last a short amount of time.
              • Independent Measures Design
              1. Experiment 1
                1. All of the 45 participants watched the 11 clips of car accidents. After every accident clip they were given a questionnaire to fill out which included the leading/critical question.
                  1. Leading Question - 'About how fast were the cars going when they ____ (contacted, hit, bumped, collided, smashed) into/with each other.'
                2. Experiment 2
                  1. 150 participants watched a one minutes clip full of 4 second clips on car accidents.
                    1. The participants were split into 3 groups, those with the verb 'smashed' in their leading question, those with the verb 'hit' as their verb and a control group which had no speed question.


                      • This occurred instantly after watching the one minute clip.
                      1. A week later the participants were asked if they saw glass when watching the videos.
                3. Tipos de métodos y características de la investigación.
                  1. Loftus and Palmer suggested that there are two types of information that make up the memory.
                    1. 1) The information that is perceived during the event.
                      1. 2) The information that is offered after the event.
                        1. The information that is 'offered' after watching the clips, in this case, would be the questionnaire, which Loftus and Palmer suggested, altered the participants memory.
                      2. Findings
                        1. Annotations:

                          • When asked if they saw class after the cars had hit eachother.
                          • The controlled group had neither verb.
                          1. ?


                            • Remember the order of 16, 7, 6 for those who responded with yes.There are 50 participants in each group, take away how many said yes and you have however many said no. Simple way to remember this table.
                          2. Annotations:

                            • The more 'violent' the word, the higher the speed.
                            1. ?


                              • I haven't even tried to remember the whole of this table. Instead, I remember the smashed average spead and the contacted for statistics to compare.
                            2. Type of Data
                              1. Quantitative


                                • The majority of the data gathered within this study is quantitiative data.
                                • The only qualitative data that could be found will be the other questions that were within the questionnaire, but as these were not relevant to the study, there is no qualitative data.
                                1. 1.- La investigación nos ayuda a mejorar el estudio porque nos permite establecer contacto con la realidad a fin de que la conozcamos mejor. 2.- Estimula el pensamiento crítico y la creatividad.
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