Personality Factors and Stress


Mind Map on Personality Factors and Stress, created by vezalikeschoccys on 06/04/2015.
Mind Map by vezalikeschoccys, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by vezalikeschoccys over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Personality Factors and Stress
  1. Type A
    1. Friedman and Rosenman
      1. Characteristics lead to high blood pressure
      2. Competitive
        1. Impatient
          1. Hostile
            1. WCGS (1960)
              1. 3000 men
                1. 39-59
                  1. California
                    1. Examined for CHD
                    2. Interviewed
                      1. Elicit Type A
                      2. 8 1/2 years
                        1. 12.8% Type A died from CHD
                          1. 6.0% type B died from CHD
                          2. Follow up by Ragland and Brand
                            1. 214 died from CHD
                              1. no evidence w/regards to personality type
                              2. Myrtek
                                1. meta analysis of 35 studies
                                  1. association with hostility
                            2. The Hardy Personality
                              1. Kobasa and Maddi
                                1. Kobasa
                                  1. 800 American business executives
                                    1. 150 classified as high stress
                                      1. some =low illness record, some = high record
                                        1. due to hardiness
                                  2. Maddi
                                    1. US Company
                                      1. Reducing workforce
                                        1. 2/3 suffered health related illness
                                          1. 1/3 thrived
                                            1. hardiness
                                    2. Control
                                      1. Commitment
                                        1. challenge
                                        2. Type B
                                          1. patient
                                            1. Relaxed
                                              1. Easy going
                                                1. Decrease stress related illness
                                                2. Evaluation
                                                  1. Negative Affectivity
                                                    1. High NA more likely to report distress
                                                      1. Hardy = low on NA
                                                    2. Measurement
                                                      1. Relies on questionnaires
                                                        1. Low internal validity
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