Hovland-Yale model


A-Level Psychology (media) Mind Map on Hovland-Yale model, created by Madeleine Hall on 09/04/2015.
Madeleine Hall
Mind Map by Madeleine Hall, updated more than 1 year ago
Madeleine Hall
Created by Madeleine Hall over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Hovland-Yale model
  1. Who
    1. attractiveness + expertise are important in persuasion
      1. Petty + Cacipoppo - attractive communicators were far more effective
        1. attractive rock starts often become public speakers for political issues and adverts
          1. Bono, Cheryl Cole
            1. Hume - celeb endorsements had minimal impact
              1. Johnny Vega + Monkey meant to advertise ITV digital - it failed
      2. experts are more persuasive
        1. popular and attractive are more popular with audience
        2. what
          1. message is more effective if audience do not know it is persuasive
            1. message that causes fear is quite influential
              1. Putwain + Symes - when students given message about exams including fear of not knowing everything was more effective than a message just making students anxious
                1. High anxiety was linked to a reduction in test performance
              2. Gender difference?
                1. Eagly + Carli - gender difference - females are easier to persuade than men
                  1. Sistrunk + McDavid - females only easier to persuade because material was masculine. if material was neutral, there would be no difference
                    1. Karabenic - males infulence by female information, vice versa, depends on the information, the more familiar you are with it, the harder you are to persuade
                  2. Whom
                    1. the audience
                      1. low intelligence audiences are easier to persuade, often do not understand information
                        1. Loftus - younger children easier to persuade, makes younger children less reliable as witnesses as they can easily be persuaded by misleading info
                          1. Martin - older children knew advert was meant to be persuasive + were less influenced by them, but younger children did not understand info so were more influenced
                          2. high intelligence audiences - hard to persuade - confident in their own views
                            1. present both sides of the argument + let audience make up mind
                        2. PERV
                          1. early research on army personnel and students - cannot be generalized
                            1. research relied on self- report, not actual behaviour - may lack ecological validity
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