Order of Adjectives


Mind Map on Order of Adjectives, created by Tayla Jade Smith on 06/10/2013.
Tayla Jade Smith
Mind Map by Tayla Jade Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Tayla Jade Smith
Created by Tayla Jade Smith over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Order of Adjectives
  1. 1) Number
    1. Describes the quantity
      1. heaps many few five
    2. 2) Opinion
      1. Describes what you think of something
        1. like dislike loathe
      2. 3) Size
        1. Describes the size
          1. small large wide thing
        2. 4) Age
          1. Describes how old or young something may be
            1. young old new
          2. 5) Colour
            1. Describes the colour of something
              1. Blue Yellow Green
            2. 7) Origin
              1. Describes where something comes from
                1. Greek aquatic Australian
              2. 8) Material
                1. Describes what something is made of
                  1. metal wood plastic
                2. 9) Purpose
                  1. Descibres what something is used for
                    1. JUMPING castle SLEEPING bag
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