Addictions- Kapepulan


A2 Psychology
Natasha  Kapepula
Mind Map by Natasha Kapepula, updated more than 1 year ago
Natasha  Kapepula
Created by Natasha Kapepula over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Addictions- Kapepulan
  1. Definitions
    1. Persistant
      1. Dependence
      2. Types of Addiction
        1. Alcoholism
          1. Impulse Control Disorder
            1. Physical vs Psychological Dependence
            2. Explanations
              1. Biological
                1. Genetics
                  1. Biochemical
                  2. Behavioural
                    1. Classical and Operant Conditioning
                    2. Cognitive
                      1. Personality Characteristics
                        1. Errors and Biases
                      2. Treatments
                        1. Token Economy
                          1. Rewards
                          2. Aversion Therapy
                            1. Emetic Drug
                            2. CBT
                              1. Self-assessment
                            3. Case Studies
                              1. Kohn
                                1. Kleptomania
                                2. Schuckit
                                  1. Alcohol
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