Psychology & Religion (Woody)


Psychology and religion
Mind Map by woodyps, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by woodyps over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Psychology & Religion (Woody)
  1. Freud
    1. A Collective Neurosis
      1. Compared religious / neurotic behaviour
        1. Hysterics / worship (eg. Toronto Blessing)
          1. Phobias & anxieties / fear of judgement
            1. Obsessive behaviour / rituals
            2. Origin of collective neurosis
              1. Primal horde, dominated by alpha male
                1. Young males united & killed alpha
                  1. To appease guilt & reunite horde, they made a totem to replace the alpha
                    1. Worshipped totem, developing rituals
                      1. Modern religious practices developed from inherited patricidal guilt (eg. concept of atonement)
                  2. Darwinian theory of prehistoric 'primal hordes'
              2. Wish Fulfillment
                1. Religion is a projection of unconscious human desires (eg. God as a father figure)
                  1. Influenced by Feuerbach
                2. Reaction Against Helplessness
                3. Jung
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