Prayer Before Birth


GCSE English Mind Map on Prayer Before Birth, created by Georgia Lowe on 06/05/2015.
Georgia Lowe
Mind Map by Georgia Lowe, updated more than 1 year ago
Georgia Lowe
Created by Georgia Lowe over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Prayer Before Birth
  1. Repetition of "I am not born yet" is a constant reminder to the reader that this poem is coming from a fetus. Emphasis on how morbid it is.
    1. It's also a reminder on the innocence.
    2. Stanza 3 is all about nature being a guide and the beauty of nature, but also the malevolence of humans. But then how even nature can become corrupt.
      1. The broken lines reflects the corruption of the lines and therefore, the corruption of the world the fetus is not yet been brought into.
        1. The poem goes from dependence to independence.
          1. Throughout the poem, the fetus is accepting it will be brought into such a corrupt society.
            1. The poem highlights the horrors of war by juxtaposing them with the innocence of an unborn child.
              1. The use of the word "automan" is a reference to a soldier.
                1. Talks about all the horrors in the world that would conflict him, in contrast with the wonders of nature.
                2. Poem takes form of a prayer, with repeated use of first person followed by an imperative to God.
                  1. Describes the dehumanizing effect of war.
                    1. The unborn child asking for forgiveness is effective because is suggests the powerlessness in which it will commit such sins.
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