Glycogen Phosphorylase Structure (Without Phosphorylation)


Year 2 Mind Map on Glycogen Phosphorylase Structure (Without Phosphorylation), created by gina_evans0312 on 10/23/2013.
Mind Map by gina_evans0312, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by gina_evans0312 over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Glycogen Phosphorylase Structure (Without Phosphorylation)
  1. T Form
    1. Inactive- Active site it buried within protein
      1. Caused by
        1. High ATP
          1. High glucose-6-phosphate
            1. Glucose (In the liver)
        2. R Form
          1. Active- Active site is acessable to glycogen
            1. Caused by
              1. AMP
                1. Pi
                  1. Phosphorylation
              2. Interface domain
                1. Contains allosteric effector site
                  1. Where ATP/AMP binds
                2. Active Site
                  1. Found in deep groove to prevent water entering
                    1. Entrance of water causes hydrolysis instead of phosphorylysis
                      1. Made of
                        1. Glycogen Storage
                          1. Interface
                            1. And C Terminus Domains
                            2. This deep groove is what causes the steric hinderence during cleavage
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